Symballein is a consultancy specialized in intangible asset management.

We believe in the potential of value-based management and the importance of taking action geared towards the creation of productive peace, and make it our work to support organizations that are keen to introduce it.

When ethical values and principles become the pillars for alignment in an organization, the resulting cooperation stems from deeper roots. It creates bonds of trust between people and the organization, and paves the way for sustainability. In our work, we develop corporate reputations, strengthen leadership, enhance levels of trust, align cultures and construct interdependency between individuals to deliver value for all an organization’s stakeholders.

Our team of professionals with complementary backgrounds in anthropology, philosophy, history and administration work together to create solutions that are suited to each organization’s needs. Drawing on their strong academic and philosophical grounding and their broad experience in management, we build up creative solutions with clear implementation goals for the most varied of organizational challenges.

Our goal is to harness companies’ human and intellectual capital, reveal the potential of their talents, design mechanisms for successful change management, introduce the bases for a culture of innovation, facilitate cooperation in cases of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships, train leaders to deal with complex, unpredictable situations, reduce the transaction costs associated with change processes, thereby reducing the natural cultural entropy that occurs at such times, support the drafting of codes of ethics, and provide training for diversity management and related areas. When we make our diagnostic assessment of an organization’s culture, we use our findings to draw up guidelines for its structured, effective management, and provide support throughout the implementation process and the follow-up on the progress of the ensuing processes.

To help guide innovation processes, we also undertake research in the anthropology of consumption, which provides inputs not just for marketing segmentation, but also for the development of value-added products and services for customers. We do not limit our work to the research per se, but are also committed to supporting the development of the solutions derived from its results.

Nossa Missão

Contribuir para a construção e a manutenção da paz produtiva.

Nossa Visão

Ser reconhecida pelas organizações e seus integrantes como a melhor parceira no desenvolvimento de pessoas, da cultura organizacional, da inovação, revelando potencialidades e resolvendo conflitos próprios das culturas, a fim de que o esforço humano no trabalho atinja níveis de excelência em todas etapas e em todos segmentos da produção de bens e de serviços.

Nossos Valores

Cooperação; Confiança; Inovação; Autonomia; Transparência; Integridade e Humanidade.